Verkoopprijs totilas

  • Early show career
  • Prijs totilas

  • In oktober werd Totilas voor een bedrag van 15 miljoen euro verkocht aan de Duitser Paul Schockemöhle. Het hoogste bedrag dat ooit voor een dressuurpaard is .
  • Totilas verkocht prijs
  • Verkoopprijs totilas Totilas 23 May — 14 December , also known from to as Moorlands Totilas , and nicknamed "Toto", was a Dutch Warmblood stallion standing
    Hvad blev Totilas solgt for? Mens Titanium blev solgt for
    Totilas was sold for 9,5 million euros Court documents in the lawsuit between Paul Schockemöhle and Kees Visser concerning Visser's frozen semen stock have revealed that the stallion sold for 9.
    Hvad blev Totilas solgt for? .

    Verkoopprijs totilas

  • Il aura fallu plus de 10 ans et la bataille judiciaire en cours entre Paul Schockemöhle et Kees Visser (voir ICI) pour que le prix d'acquisition de Totilas soit finalement .
  • verkoopprijs totilas
  • Verkoop totilas

  • The legendary dressage stallion Totilas was sold for 9,5 million euros. Back in , Totilas was sold but the price wasn't announced. The rumored sales price was between 10 and 15 million .
  • Verkoopprijs totilas
  • Hvad koster verdens dyreste dressur hest?
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  • Totilas verkocht prijs

  • Kees Visser, the owner of Moorlands Totilas has suggested that he would sell the stallion for million Euros after Totilas broke the freestyle World record earlier this month. “Answering .
  • Verkoop totilas
    1. Court Documents Reveal that Totilas Sold for 9,5 Million Euro Totilas. The famed Totilas takes the top spot for the most expensive dressage horse ever sold. He was purchased in for approximately $13 million. Totilas was a .
      Totilas - Wikipedia Just last month, an embryo by Totilas sold for 32, Euro. Totilas was originally bred and trained by Jan and Anna Schuil of Broeksterwoude, Friesland, who contacted .
      Totilas was sold for 9,5 million euros - Equnews International Den legendariske hingst Totilas har man formodet som historiens dyreste dressurhest med en salgspris på omkring 11 millioner euro. I en netop afviklet retssag om rettigheden til at sælge .
      Hvad er den dyreste hest solgt for? .
  • What Is The Most Expensive Dressage Horse Ever Sold?